Crown & Bridge
Zirconia Onlay (Monolytic & Multilayer)
An option of preserving natural enamel.
Zirconia Inlay (Monolytic & Multilayer)
An option to correct worn down cusp while preserving natural teeth.
Zirconia Crown & Bridge (Monolytic & Multilayer)
Engineered for better function and longevity
Zirconia Crown & Bridge (Monolytic & Multilayer)
Engineered for better function and longevity.
Zirconia Veneer (Monolytic & Multilayer)
Improves and enhances aesthetics.
Temporary Crown & Bridge
Temporary and great for patient to test before final product is fitted.
Temporary Crown & Bridge
Temporary and great for patient to test before final product is fitted.
Diagnostic Wax
To plan and explore best option for patient’s final restoration
Night Guards
Help Bruxism patient while sleeping.